
21 Jun 2024 March

March station adopters and Hereward CRP host visit of 1st March Beaver colony

Everybody mucks in to work towards their gardening badge (and learn some railway safety too)!

Hereward CRP were pleased to work with March station adpters in order to facilitate a visit to March station from the 1st March Beaver colony.

The young people helped station adopters Adrian and Max to fill up three new planters, they explored the wildflower and wildlife habitats in the station car park (which are maintained by the station adopters) and had a tour of the station and looked at some of the history and important accessibility and safety aspects of the station, including using the level crossing safely.

The Beavers all planted up a sunflower pot to take away and grow and hopefully we will get some photos of them in the future.

This visit helped the young people complete some work towards their gardening badge and they all took away Hereward CRP goodie bags with maps, brochures and railway safety information (courtesy of East Midlands Railway and Greater Anglia).

The planters now stand looking lovely at the main entrance to the station and they will be maintained by the Station Adopters. There is a plan being made to add a plaque to one of the planters acknowledging the work the Beavers did.

This visit is the first in a series of similar visits being planned by the CRP.