
24 Apr 2020 March

Consultation launched on next Fenland station regeneration project

A multi-million pound regeneration programme for Fenland's railway stations is still very much on track, with the launch of a public consultation on the next project planned.

Just weeks after the installation of new platform waiting shelters at Manea and Whittlesea stations, plans to redesign and improve the layout of Platform 1 buildings at March Railway Station are moving full steam ahead.

Both projects are part of the £9.5 million Fenland Stations Regeneration Project funded by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and driven by Fenland District Council on behalf of the Hereward Community Rail Partnership.

A consultation on the Platform 1 buildings at March Station has now been launched to seek people’s views on three different layout design options.

The main entrance to Platform 1 remains the same throughout the three designs, but there are different options for the location and size of the waiting room, ticket office and toilets, as well as space for the creation of a new shop or business premises.