
27 Jul 2021 General

Greater Anglia issues advice to customers as work starts to improve March station

Customers using March rail station are being advised about changes during the coming weeks, as Greater Anglia carries out improvement work.

From 12 July the station entrance will be closed and a new temporary ticket office opened on the far side of the station to allow construction work to remodel the entire station to commence.

The work will see Greater Anglia create an open-plan ticket hall and waiting area, accessible modern toilet facilities, retail outlets, and an upgraded and extended car park at the station. The programme of works is due for completion in late 2021.

The major upgrade is part of a multi-million pound regeneration of Fenland’s railway stations which is pushing forward with major improvement works on the rail line between Ely and Peterborough.

The programme is being delivered through Fenland District Council’s Railway Station Masterplans project, with a £9.5million package of funding from the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, chaired by Mayor Dr Nik Johnson, and support from Greater Anglia.
The project aims to improve passenger facilities at the three Fenland stations – Manea, March and Whittlesea – along the Ely to Peterborough Hereward Line.
Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson, said, “The point of transport is to serve people so improving travel options and connections for the Fenland community is a must. That’s why the Combined Authority is investing millions of pounds and collaborating closely with partners to make this happen. Those combined efforts are paying off, and people can see major construction starting on March’s new Platform 1 buildings, and car parks at March and at Manea all taking shape.”

Together the partnership anticipates that the upgrades to improve connections between the Fenland towns and other regional centres of education and employment, creating an attractive alternative to the car for more sustainable journeys.

Greater Anglia’s Asset Management Director, Simone Bailey, said, “I would like to thank customers for their patience while we carry out this upgrade which will transform the station and offer a vastly improved travelling experience.”