
1 Jun 2020

Volunteers Week 1st – 7th June

Volunteers week takes place every year and is a chance to celebrate and say thank you for the contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK.

Volunteers are a hugely important part of Community Rail.

Along the Hereward Line we have Station Adopters keeping Whittlesea and Manea clean, tidy and looking ‘blooming’ beautiful with their lovely planters.

At March Station the Adopter Group, Friends of March Railway Station look after planters and a memorial garden to welcome visitors to the station. This team of volunteers have even renovated previously disused rooms on Platform 2 which can be hired out by community groups and others to make great use of these fantastic space.

The Hereward Community Rail Partnership would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our volunteers. You do an amazing job and we salute you!



If you are interested in volunteering at your local station please get in touch with your local operator. For Manea, March, Whittlesea and Ely this is Greater Anglia. For Peterborough this is LNER

For more information or to get in touch with the Friends of March Railway Station Group please visit their Facebook page